2.1. Execution Procedures


Matmodlab is executed by running the mml procedure. Several parameters can be set either on the command line or in an environment file (see Environment Settings).

mml Summary

mml [-h|help] <command> [<args>]

mml Commands


Launch the (empty) matmodlab gui


Build fortran libraries

Optional build arguments
-h, --help    show this help message and exit
-v V          Verbosity
-w            Wipe before building
-W            Wipe and exit
-m M [M ...]  Materials to build
-u            Build auxiliary support files only


Remove files generated by matmodlab (.pyc, .o, .so, .a, build, etc.)


Run a matmodlab simulation script in the matmodlab environment.

Required run arguments
source                Python source file
Optional run arguments
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-v V                  Verbosity
--debug               Debug mode
--sqa                 SQA mode
--switch MATX MATY    Run with MATY instead of MATX, if present(not
                      supported by all models)
-B MATERIAL           Wipe and rebuild MATERIAL before running
-V                    Launch results viewer on completion
-j NPROCS, --nprocs NPROCS
                      Number of simultaneous jobs
-W {std,all,error}    Warning level
-w                    Wipe and rebuild material in Material factory before


mml test is merely a wrapper around py.test


Launch the matmodlab viewer

Required view arguments
sources               Output database file[s]

Other Command Line Tools


Compare ExodusII database files:

usage: exodiff [-h] [-f F] [--interp] source1 source2

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -f F        Use the given file to specify the variables to be considered and
              to what tolerances
  --interp    Interpolate variabes through time to compute error

Exodiff Tolerance File

By default, exodiff compares all common variables in database files source1 and source2 and uses standard tolerances to determine if the files are the same. Optionally, a “diff” file can be sent to exodiff (the -f) to fine tune variables to be compared and tolerances. The diff file is an xml file whose root element must be ExDiff. The only recognized child of ExDiff is Variable. If a diff file is specified, only those variables specified are compared.

Both ExDiff and Variable may define ftol and dtol attributes to specify failure and differencing tolerances. Tolerances defined in ExDiff apply to all variables. Tolerances defined by a Variable apply only to that variable (regardless of tolerances defined in ExDiff).

Variable must define the name attribute to specify the name of the variable in the database file.


Consider the following diff file:

cat exodiff_spec.xml

<ExDiff ftol="1e-6" dtol="1e-8">
  <Variable name="STRAIN_XX" ftol="1.e-4" dtol="1.e-6"/>
  <Variable name="STRAIN_YY" ftol="1.e-4" dtol="1.e-6"/>
  <Variable name="STRAIN_ZZ" ftol="1.e-4" dtol="1.e-6"/>
  <Variable name="STRESS_XX"/>
  <Variable name="STRESS_YY"/>
  <Variable name="STRESS_ZZ"/>
  <Variable name="PRESSURE" ftol="1.e-1" dtol="5.e-2"/>


Dump information from ExodusII database:

usage: exodump [-h] [-o O] [--list] [--ffmt FFMT]
               [--ofmt {mathematica,ascii,ndarray}] [--step STEP]
               [--block BLOCK] [--element ELEMENT]
               source [variables [variables ...]]

positional arguments:
  variables             Variables to dump

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o O                  Output file name
  --list                List variable names and exit
  --ffmt FFMT           Output floating point format
  --ofmt {mathematica,ascii,ndarray}
                        Output format
  --step STEP           Step
  --block BLOCK         Block number
  --element ELEMENT     Element number